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Welcome to Department of Agricultural Extension, Khamarbari, Lakshmipur Information! For any problem related to agriculture, you can call upazila agriculture office or agricultural call center at 16123 or Krishak Bandhu Seva at 3331 for expert advice. Thank you!  To get Agricultural Meteorological Information Service of Department of Agricultural Extension  Click on Bangladesh Agriculture Meteorological Information Service (BAMIS).  And to know immediately the name of pesticide with correct dosage when pest is affected in the crop field Click on the Pesticide Guidelines website. 

To encourage youth and women in agricultural business, under the Partner (DAM Unit) project, entrepreneurship and employment will be created by providing On-the-Job Training (OTJ) or On-the-Job Training (Residential) to the youth and women of Lakshmipur district. Applications are invited from interested youth (18-35) and women (18-45) in the relevant form by following the rules of the attached letter to the Office of the Agricultural Marketing Officer, Bagbari, Lakshmipur by 10th March 2025. Details

On-the-Job Training (OTJ) for Youth and Women